Hello wonderful CSAers–we’ve got another delicious week of food for you coming up. Plus Backyard Bees soap shares will be there this week (there was a mixup with delivery last week).
Pickups are at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.
To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.
Baby Watermelon – Heads up that these babies are fragile! A cracked watermelon is usually still fine, as long as you get it into the fridge right away. Store in the fridge, use within 3 days.
Red Tomatoes – Let the tomatoes sit out on the counter until they reach a deep red color–then eat and enjoy! DO NOT REFRIGERATE.
Parsley – Make a parsley salsa verde with this bunch. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.
Cucumber – We are just about finished up with this cucumber planting! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.
Green Batavian Lettuce – Batavian lettuce loves the summer heat! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.
Sweet Corn – This planting has only yielded enough for a few ears per member. Spread the wealth by cutting them into a salad for all to enjoy! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 3 days.
Red Potatoes – Their water content is high so it takes less time for them to cook. Great in a potato salad. Store in a cool (not cold), dark place. Use within 2 weeks.
Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!