Welcome to our last week of Summer Shares. We’ve had a great season–thanks to everyone who’s been a part of it! If you loved it this year, stay tuned with our blog, sign up for emails, or follow us on Facebook to find out when next year’s Summer Share signups open up.
Or keep the veggie train going all winter by signing up for a Winter Share: https://goo.gl/forms/6xdLZ4EnJVGQjfoc2 Options include root vegetables, frozen/canned vegetables, apples and cider. Check out more specifics about what’s available here.
Also, we are still currently looking for volunteer coordinators to join our core group! The CSA runs entirely on our collective (and completely volunteer) group efforts. If you are interested in an open position, please send us a message.
And now, on to the food this week–veggies and Lewis Waite orders will both be here. For complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.
Pickups are from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.
Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!