
How It Works

Community Supported Agriculture

Providing the community with fresh produce and items from local businesses.

What is a CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture supports local farms and provides the community with fresh produce.
CSA members pay for a “share” of the farmer’s produce at the beginning of the season, helping the farm plan their harvest season around exactly what is needed. In turn, the CSA members receive freshly harvested produce- usually coming out of the ground the day before!
Members assume the rewards and risks of the growing season. Weather and other factors can mean more or less of specific items, depending on what happens at the farm that week. Prices are generally lower via a CSA than they would be at a farmer's market, and the quality is top notch.
CSA operates basically the same, relying predominantly on volunteers and straight-to-farm practices.

Sunnyside CSA is not for profit and completely volunteer run. This means volunteers do everything from organizing with the farms & businesses, scheduling seasons, running the pick-up site and keeping finances straight. Every member is required to sign up for 2 volunteer shifts throughout the season, or for positions within the core group.

Our Seasons

We have two share seasons, Summer and Winter. Generally, the Summer Share runs beginning of June to end of October, and the Winter share runs December to April. You can learn more about what’s available on our Food We Offer pages.

Any food not picked up at the end of the night is donated to the Senior Program at SCS.

Subsidy Program

A small number of shares are available at a reduced rate through our Subsidized Share Program.​

This program is funded through CSA events and fundraisers throughout the seasons.

Our Farmers

Connected Chef believes that all communities can create systems that uplift and equalize all of its members through the lenses of food, racial, environmental, labor, and housing justice.

The heart of our work lies in our grocery distribution where community members can receive the same quantity of groceries regardless of payment.

Lifeline Groceries is the beginning of addressing the immediate needs of our food-insecure neighbors while supporting local farmers and climate-centered initiatives.

Farming practices

While many of the farms we partner with use organic farming practices, we do not work with organically certified farms according to the USDA. The process of organic certification can be resource cost-prohibitive, and incredibly daunting. We work with many farmers who plant diverse crops to not only serve the diversity reflected in our customers but also to preserve the health of the soil. When it comes to the organic certification process, the more diverse the crop, the more complicated the paperwork. We ensure the quality of the fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains you’ll receive.

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