
Visit Golden Earthworm This Sunday

Hey CSAers! It’s your friendly reminder that tomorrow is the members-only day to visit the farm where all our delicious vegetables come from.

If you didn’t receive the email, details are below:


WEATHER UPDATE: Perfect fall weather – cool, crisp & sunny!  Wear a light jacket and rain boots!

This event is held at the farm in Riverhead.
652 Peconic Bay Blvd, Riverhead

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th from 11am-3pm

This is a private event open to all current CSA Members
and their guests only
.  No RSVP needed.

Plan on arriving at the farm at 11am when we open.
The traffic (heading east) on the North Fork is crazy if you plan on arriving in the early afternoon.  Heading home (west) should be fine.

What to bring?
Please bring a picnic lunch and lawn chairs or a blanket.
Wear sturdy shoes for walking around the farm!  Strollers are welcome but please leave your pets at home.  (Per food safety regulations.)
Ongoing Activities
Walking Tours
Tractor Demonstrations
Live Music
Farmstand Open

Cooking Demos
11:30amAlexa Weitzman of Sustainable Pantry
1:30pm – Chef Robbi King

Kids Activities
Storytelling & Singing with Barbara Garriel
GIANT Haystack Game
Face Painting

Please bring your own picnic lunch!  
We will have a limited supply of soup and tamales for sale as sell.

We’re looking for a few folks to volunteer for two jobs – Parking & Traffic Coordinator and Welcome Table Attendants.
The time slots are 10:45am-12:45pm or 12:45pm-2:45pm.
Please e-mail us if you’re interested in helping out!  Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail us at or reply to this e-mail.

We hope to see you there!

– Maggie, Farmer Matt & the crew

*In the box

Veggies, Fruit & Everything Else! (Sept 14th)

Tomorrow we’ve got vegetable shares, fruit shares (apples and pears this week), and all of our special shares too–kombucha, beer, soap and fish. Don’t forget which shares you need to pick up!

All pickups are September 14th at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

Acorn Squash – Cook it, eat it, love it–just don’t leave it on your porch as a decoration or you’ll be missing out. Store on the counter. Use within a week.

Cherry & Red Tomatoes – Tomato season has a few more weeks left, so we’ll be rotating these two types until their gone. Store on the counter. Use now.

Leeks – They look like big scallions, and you can eat both the white and green parts. Refrigerate. Use within a week.

Romaine Lettuce – You know what to do with this one. Refrigerate. Use within 5 days.

Cilantro Good in everything from salsa to soups. Refrigerate. Use within 3 days.

Green Long Peppers – Great in stir-fry, and they can freeze easily. Refrigerate. Use within a week.

Eggplant (in rotation) – Patience is a virtue with these guys–their slow growth means harvesting is in stages and CSA locations will get them in different weeks. Refrigerate. Use within a week.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Veggies & Fruit for August 3rd

This week is a delicious mix of favorites and new-for-the-season veggies. And for the fruit shares, there’ll be a bag of peaches/nectarines to enjoy.

All pickups are August 3rd at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

Sweet Corn – Delicious and ready to eat right away. Remember to let Golden Earthworm know if yours has earworm past the tip, and they’ll replace it next week. Use within 2 days (or you can freeze them).

Red Potatoes – This week we’ll be tasting Red Norland variety–they’re full of moisture and cook in half the time. Store in paper back in a dark place. Use within a week.

Swiss Chard – This is the second planting for the summer, and another chance to try a new recipe (or try it simple: steamed with butter and a little salt and pepper). Use within 5 days.

Parsley – A great way to use this is to make some pesto. Or you can wash and freeze it as a whole bunch to use this winter. Use within 5 days.

Cabbage – Have you tried it in a slaw yet? Now’s your chance! Use within a week.

Zucchini – It’s the end of the season for these veggies, so enjoy your last one this week. Use within a week.

Scallions  – Another summer favorite back in the box.  Use within a week.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Veggies In the Box–July 20

Hello fruit, you’re looking fine!

Tomorrow kicks off our fruit shares– plus we have our monthly special products pick-up (beer, soap, fish and kombucha), and Lewis Waite Farm orders. All pickups are July 20th at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

And on to the veggies for this week–you know the drill, store them in an airtight plastic bag in the fridge…

Walla Walla Onions – Juicy, sweet and perfect for grilling. The stems can be discarded or used as a stock. Use within a week.

Beets – Try them raw or cooked, or our summer favorite: grilled! Use within a week.

Swiss Chard – A hearty summer green, this is one that is not meant to be eaten raw. Try this recipe from Golden Earthworm if you’re a newbie to this veggie. Use within a week.

Green Cabbage – This cabbage is great as a slaw, but can also be used stuffed, baked, in soups or salads. Use within 5 days.

Red Batavian Lettuce – A nice summer lettuce, this variety is similar to Romaine, but a slightly softer texture. Use within a week.

Parsley – A great fresh flavor and packed full of nutrients. Use within  a week.

Cucumber – Another round to keep you cool during the heat waves. Use within a week.

Summer Squash or Zucchini – These have had a bit of a mystery growing season, so we’re not sure when they’ll make it into the box.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

In the Box–July 13

Did you love that fresh basil smell from last weeks’ box? Well, we’ve got more of it–plus some vegetables firsts for the season. As usual, the veggies for this week are best stored in an airtight plastic bag in the refrigerator.

If you’d like another place to find recipes for your weekly share, Golden Earthworm has a great Facebook page you can join. 

The veggie pickup for Thursday, July 13th will be at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

Green Cabbage – This cabbage is great as a slaw, but can also be used stuffed, baked, in soups or salads. Use within 5 days.

Green & Red Batavian Lettuce – A nice summer lettuce, this variety is similar to Romaine, but a slightly softer texture. Use within a week.

Basil – This may be the last week for basil. If you feel like you have an overload, it can be frozen if you puree it with olive oil. Use within 3 days.

Carrots – So many uses and so tasty! It’s best to remove the tops before storing them in your fridge. Use within a week.

Cucumber – Another first week for this veggie, and a perfect summer addition to salads. Use within a week.

Cipollini Onions – These special onions, known as Little Italians, are super sweet and delicious caramelized. When to use: Within a week.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change.