Golden Earthworm Veggie Share*
Radicchio – 1 head
Kohlrabi – 3 pieces
Zucchini – 3-4 pieces
Green Romaine Lettuce – 1 small head
Red Romaine Lettuce – 1 small head
Swiss Chard – 1 bunch
Cipolini Onions – 1 bunch
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Milk Not Jails
Weekly dairy share pick up
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
If you ordered, pick up your LWF goodies today!
A few friendly reminders & updates:
CSA BBQ on July 13th
Ready, set, grill! Join us for the CSA’s Annual Cookout on Saturday, July 13th!
When: Saturday, July 13th, 4:30 – 7:30pm
Where: Sunnyside Gardens Park, 48-21 39th Ave
RSVP here via web form
Bring friends and family and your own protein/veggie to grill and a dish to share—we will provide non-alcoholic refreshments, chips and all the BBQ gear. Please, ONLY NON-GLASS containers.
Volunteers are needed to help run the BBQ! Sign up for a shift at VolunteerSpot.
Questions? Contact us!
I was so happy to smell the Cipolini Onions in the barn yesterday! They’re a beautiful early variety, aka “Little Onion” in Italian, best eaten caramelized in a dish or simply roasted in the oven. (See recipe below.) Over the weekend, we grilled up the Kohlrabi and Zucchini with a delicious parsley sauce courtesy of Yotum Ottolenghi. (Recipe below.) I was surprised by just how good the kohlrabi was on the grill! And I just can’t get enough of the grilled (or seared) Radicchio—can you? I’ve hoarded about 6 heads of it in my fridge so I can enjoy it every night for dinner. A little overkill? Perhaps, but I only get to enjoy it a few weeks every year! The Romaine Lettuce is so crisp and sweet. I think a nice cool Caesar salad is on the dinner menu one night this week.
Another week of hot dry weather means a lot of irrigation here on the farm. It also means that our summer crops are growing like crazy, which is good news for you melon, tomato, and eggplant lovers… Did I mention zucchini lovers? I know there are many of you out there who are thrilled to see them make their first appearance in this week’s share. Zucchini plants don’t know when enough is enough, and they produce heavily for weeks on end. We have to pick the same field every day to keep up with them—they grow that fast!
Golden Earthworm welcomes you to explore their website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share.
If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact the farm. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from!
Seared Radicchio with Mozzarella
Roasted Cipolini Onions
Mixed Grill with Zucchini and Kohlrabi