But you can still order dairy items a la carte throughout the season from Milk Not Jails. Details on those delivery dates coming soon!
Veggie shares are SOLD OUT for the 2013 Summer/Autumn season but you can still order fruit, herb or dairy shares! Just download and send the CSA contract with your check ASAP. DEADLINE April 30, 2013.
While veggies are often center stage around here, fruit, herb and milk shares make a great supplement to your vegetable share. They are also fantastic stand-alone shares—and a local alternative to grocery shopping. Please read about the 2013 Share Options, then download and print a CSA contract and send it, along with your check made out to Sunnyside CSA, to the address on the contract.
Questions? Contact us!
Also, please make sure to Join our Yahoo email group, which is how Sunnyside CSA sends important announcements.
Download and print the Membership Contract: Sunnyside CSA 2013 Contract