Golden Earthworm Veggie Share*
Acorn Squash – 1 piece
Sweet Dumpling Squash – 1 piece
Scallions – 1 bunch
Fennel – 2-3 pieces
Peppers – 2 pieces
Green Beans – 3/4 lb. bag
Cucumbers – 2 pieces
Tomatoes – 3 lb. bag
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Fruit Share
Herb Share
Milk Not Jails
Dairy share pick up
Chef Demos are Back!
Have you been wondering how to use all those cucumbers we’ve received in the past two weeks? Wonder no more—CSA Chef demos return to this week‘s pickup! Chef Daphne will be on deck with some ideas for your share. Stop by for some yummy samples and tips between 5pm and 7pm.
A few friendly reminders & updates:
In a bag in the fridge: Scallions, Fennel and Green Beans
In the fridge: Cucumbers and Peppers
On the counter: Tomatoes, Acorn & Sweet Dumpling Squash ** see note below about squash!
What a great share this week! **A quick note on the winter squash… They should be stored on the counter, but eaten within 1-2 days. We’ve had some disease issues with these plants and have noticed that many of the squash have been rotting prematurely. So be sure to eat them right away!
Baby farmer is just starting to eat solid foods and as of last night, his favorite is the sweet dumpling squash! I would have to agree—it is absolutely delicious! The best way to prepare the winter squash is to wash the skin well and cut in half lengthwise with a knife. Scoop the seeds out of each half and place face down in a baking dish with a few tablespoons of water. Bake, uncovered in a 350F oven until the flesh is soft. Depending on the size and variety, this takes anywhere from 30-60 minutes.
Golden Earthworm welcomes you to explore their website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share.
If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact the farm. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from!
Save the Date:
Golden Earthworm’s Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 20th
The farm has set the date for this year’s Harvest Festival, and though it’s not until October, we would like to start gauging member interest. We’ll have a signup sheet at this Thursday’s pickup, so if you’re interested in attending, be sure to put your name down- with enough member interest, we’ll organize a bus trip to the farm, as we did last year! Stay tuned for more trip info.
Fresh Tomato Sauce
Fennel with Olive Oil and Parmesan
Green Beans Braised with Tomatoes and Basil