Image via GEOF
Veg Share*
Acorn or Spaghetti Squash – 1-3 piece
Green Beans – .5lb
Red Tomatoes – 2 Beefsteak (the last of the season!)
Red or Green Batavian Lettuce – 1 head
Carrots – 1 bunch
Shallots – 2 pieces
Baby Arugula – 1 bag
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Herb Share
Lemon Verabera
Fruit Share
Mix of Red Delicious & Gala Apples
Bosc pears
(Notes on fruit: The apples should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them crisp. Bosc Pears should ripen outside the plastic bag. They will not be soft when ripe, just a little more golden in color. If you wait until they are soft, they will be rotten.)
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Weekly dairy share pick up
A few friendly reminders & updates:
CSA Harvest Festival – Sunday, October 14
The farm’s annual Harvest Festival is just around the corner! Hayride Tours, Walking Tours, Cooking Demos, Live Music, Animal Shearing, Kids Events and lots more!
The Festival is FREE for all CSA members and their guests. You are welcome to meet us there —OR— SIGN UP to ride the bus with us (if riding the bus, you must SIGN UP and please bring $5 per person to help pay for bus expenses).
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
The next Lewis Waite order deadline is Sunday, September 30th for delivery on October 4th. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. They have an amazing selection of items, all produced by small local farms.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Early bird signup for the Winter Sun Farms winter share continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
We must say “farewell” to the Tomatoes – you’re getting the last ones of the season in this week’s box. Green Beans will also be finished after this week. A lovely head of crisp Batavian Lettuce and a bag of tender Baby Arugula will make for some yummy salads, and a bunch of Carrots, crisp and sweet, are perfect for snacking on or roasting in the oven with some garlic and cumin seed. (Recipe below.) More Winter Squash for everyone—and please remember to use cook it up right away. We’ve had some storage issues with our squash this year, so we advise you to eat them immediately. If they don’t look perfect on the outside, they’re usually just fine when you cut them open. And Shallots, which may be new to many of you, are a member of the onion family but with a much more mild flavor. You can substitute them for onions in recipes or try them in a classic vinaigrette where they turn creamy! (Recipe below.)
This is my favorite time of year on the farm. Glorious weather and a *little* less work makes for more time to enjoy this spectacular place we call home.
If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact them. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from! Your farmers are happy to hear from you at info [at] goldenearthworm.com at any time, for any reason.
Lemon-Shallot Vinaigrette – Food & Wine Magazine
Green Beans with Shallot Vinaigrette – All Recipes
Cumin Roasted Carrots – BBC Food
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!