Veg Share*
Green Beans – .4 lbs (Harvested from a new planting—delicious, tender size!)
Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – 1/2 lb
Savoy Cabbage – 1 head
Red or Yellow Onions – 1 lb
Yellow Potatoes – 1 quart
Red Tomatoes – 4 lb bag
Cilantro – 1 bunch
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Fruit Share
Mixed Apples (Gala & Gravenstein)
Herb Share
Lemon Verbena
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share & Monthly Dairy Specials
Weekly dairy share pick up AND à la carte specials pick up!
A few friendly reminders & updates:
Tomato Shares, Available Now! ~ ORDER NOW for delivery this Thursday
Tomato shares are ready for this Thursday! Shares are $35 for 20 lbs. of plum canning/sauce tomatoes. Please deal with Golden Earthworm Farm directly—READ MORE HERE.
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
The next Lewis Waite order deadline is Sunday, September 2nd for delivery on September 6th. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. They have an amazing selection of items, all produced by small local farms.
Milk Not Jails Monthly Dairy Specials
The next dairy à la carte order deadline is Friday, September 7th for delivery on September 20th. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. Enjoy amazing dairy products and support criminal justice reform at the same time.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Early bird signup for the Winter Sun Farms winter share continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
The Tomatoes keep coming in! I slow roasted a big batch in my oven yesterday (recipe below) and then tossed with some pasta for a delicious meal. Roasting them concentrates their flavor and you can easily freeze them in ziplock bags to enjoy when tomato season is over. With Onions and Cilantro in this week’s share, you may also want to whip up a big batch of fresh salsa! More Green Beans, but this time from a new planting, so they are smaller and more tender. Try the recipe below for a Potato salad with green beans and salsa verde- yum! Savoy Cabbage rounds out the share—perfect for a cool cabbage salad to enjoy this Labor Day weekend!
Overall, our crops continue to look great! We had a few recent losses, which are worth mentioning in case you wonder why they won’t make a future appearance in the shares… Our pepper crop was wiped out last week by a soil-born disease known as Phytopthora. It spread through the field in a matter of days, wilting the plants from the ground up. While we were happy with our green pepper harvest over the past month, we were waiting for many of the fruits to turn yellow and red, and to harvest for you as colored peppers in September. This waiting period is always risky, as the plants age they are more susceptible to disease, and that is exactly what happened. Our Eggplants faced a similar fate these past weeks and the plants were overcome by insect damage from leaf hoppers and potato beetles. The crop was sprayed, but it was too late to save them. We’re glad we were able to harvest Asian eggplants for the shares a few times.
What to expect coming up in the next few weeks? Hopefully more tomatoes, some new varieties of winter squash, cooler-weather greens and carrots!
PLUM TOMATO SHARES are available on a first-come, first-served basis. They can be picked up at Sunnyside CSA and Golden Earthworm farmers’ markets in Port Washington, Islip or Huntington on the weekends. Here are the details:
$35 for a 20lb box of Plum Tomatoes for canning and cooking. Please read our post about how to make your order. You can pick-up your tomatoes at Sunnyside CSA this Thursday or choose to pick up at a Long Island Farmers Market this weekend. Pick up locations are: Port Washington Farmers’ Market (Saturday), Islip Farmers’ Market (Saturday), or Huntington Farmers’ Market (Sunday). The farm is now taking orders for pick-up on 8/30, 9/1 and 9/2 ONLY. If the farm has more shares available for pick-up the following weekend we will post a notice in next week’s newsletter.
If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact them. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from! Your farmers are happy to hear from you at at any time, for any reason.
Totato Salad with Green Beans and Salsa Verde
David Lebovitz’s Oven-Roasted Tomatoes
Save the Date! CSA Harvest Festival – Sunday, October 14
Golden Earthworm Organic Farm’s annual Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, October 14th from 11am-3pm. FREE for all CSA members and their families and invited guests.
Hayride Tours, Walking Tours, Cooking Demos, Live Music, Animal Shearing, Kids Events and lots more! Stay tuned for more details…