Veg Share*
Green Beans – .75 lb bag
Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – 1 quart
Spaghetti Squash – 1 piece
Yellow Onions – 3-4 pieces
Chioggia Beets – 1 bunch without tops
Red Tomatoes – 6 lb bag – WOW!
Basil – 1 bunch
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week
Fruit Share
Peaches – 1 bag
Ginger Gold Apples – 1 bag
Herb Share
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Dairy share pick up is weekly. Don’t forget your milk!
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite extras today! Forgot to order? The next deadline is September 2nd for delivery on the 6th.
A few friendly reminders & updates:
Tomato Shares, Available Now! ~ ORDER NOW for delivery this Thursday
Tomato shares are ready for this Thursday! Shares are $35 for 20 lbs. of plum canning/sauce tomatoes. Please deal with Golden Earthworm Farm directly—READ MORE HERE.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Early bird signup for Winter Sun Farms’ winter shares continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
More tomatoes this week! A whopping 6 lbs of Red Tomatoes and a full quart of Cherry Tomatoes! Green Beans for the last time this month. They’re on the larger side, but still tender when lightly steamed. Chioggia Beets (striped white and red when sliced) are in the share without the tops. The tops had some damage and took up too much space in the box, so we decided to cut them off. They’re beautiful when sliced on a plate! Yellow Onions for your cooking, Sweet Basil to pair with your tomatoes in salads or as a pesto, and a Spaghetti Squash! The first of our winter squash harvest—see recipe and more info below.
We probably don’t have to tell you that we’re swimming in tomatoes here… If you’re thinking about canning some, now is the time! We have plum tomatoes shares available and all the details are below.
In other news, we’ve been busy seeding the remainder of our fall and winter root crops like carrots, rutabagas and beets. We’re also just beginning to harvest our winter squash crop. This week we kick off the season with a spaghetti squash, soon followed by acorn and sweet dumplings. These are the earliest squash to make an appearance in the shares because they don’t require curing. Coming a little later this fall will be sunshines, butternuts and baby blue hubbards.
PLUM TOMATO SHARES are available on a first-come, first-served basis. They can be picked up at Sunnyside CSA and Golden Earthworm farmers’ markets in Port Washington, Islip or Huntington on the weekends. Here are the details:
$35 for a 20lb box of Plum Tomatoes for canning and cooking. To order, please e-mail with your requested number of shares and where you will be picking them up. Your choice for pick-up is: Port Washington Farmers’ Market (Saturday), Islip Farmers’ Market (Saturday), or Huntington Farmers’ Market (Sunday). We are now taking orders for pick-up on 8/18 and 8/19 ONLY. If we have more shares available for pick-up the following weekend we will post a notice in next week’s newsletter.
Baked Cherry Tomatoes with Parmesan Topping
Simple Maple Baked Spaghetti Squash – via The Simple Skillet
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!