Image via GEOF
Veg Share*
Escarole – 1 head
Mesclun Lettuce Mix with Baby Arugula – 1 bag
Baby Bok Choi – 1 bunch
Japanese Salad Turnips – 1 bunch
Green Boston Lettuce – 1 head
Baby Yukon Gold Potatoes – 1 quart
Toscano Kale – 1 bunch
Kohlrabi – several pieces
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week
Fruit Share
Empire Apples
Herb Share
Herb shares have ended for the season.
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Weekly dairy share pick up. Place your next à la carte order! Deadline is October 8th at 5pm, for delivery on October 18th. Read more here.
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite orders today! Forgot to place an order? The next deadline is October 14th for delivery on October 18th.
A few friendly reminders & updates:
CSA Harvest Festival – Sunday, October 14
Our farm’s annual Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, October 14th from 11am-3pm. CSA members, their families and invited guests are welcome! Read more and sign up online.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Signup for winter shares from Winter Sun Farms continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
What a spectacular box of fall greens! Escarole (the frilly lettuce look-alike) is a member of the endive family, less bitter than you would expect, and can be eaten raw in a salad or cooked. The link below to Martha Stewart’s primer on escarole is great for those unfamiliar with this delicious green. Mesclun Lettuce Mix and Boston Lettuce will provide you with a week’s worth of delicious leaf salads. Baby Bok Choi is a favorite, braised or cooked alongside tofu in many Asian dishes. Japanese Salad Turnips can be eaten raw or cooked. We like to slice them up and sprinkle them with a little sea salt. The green tops are delicious when sauteed with garlic and olive oil. Kohlrabi may be new to many of you too! Try slicing thinly and enjoying raw, or roast them (recipe below). Toscano Kale—thank goodness this one is back for the fall! I need my daily kale fix and this variety is perfect steamed with garlic and umeboshi vinegar (my favorite way to eat it), or baked into kale chips or thrown into soups. A lovely bag of tender Arugula and a box of Baby Yukon Gold Potatoes round out the shares. Wow! I can’t wait to get into the kitchen this week.
We’re gearing up for our CSA Harvest Festival on Sunday, October 14th from 11-3. Take a tour of the fields, get inspired by top chef cooking demos, chat with your farmers, let the kids frolick in the haystack and watch a puppet show, and enjoy a fun-filled day on the farm! A full listing of activities and events will be posted on our Facebook page and on our website later this week. Please note that this is a free, private event open to all current CSA Members and their guests. We hope to see you there!
Braised Baby Bok Choi
Escarole and Pine Nuts
Martha Stewart’s Escarole Primer
Roasted Kohlrabi
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!