Image via MNJ.
Fall is in the air! With beautiful winter squash and apples rolling into your kitchen, Milk Not Jails has just what you need… Order cream for that butternut squash soup and try the cinnamon butter—an easy way to add a little sugar and spice to that next apple crisp. Is more baking on your horizon? Check out the amazing price on 1 lb. French rolls of butter—only $6.75.
ORDER DEADLINE is Monday, October 8th at 5pm,
for delivery on October 18th.
If you dig Milk Not Jails, help spread the word about their deliciously fresh products and mission for criminal justice reform by ordering a Milk Not Jails tote bag or button. Your merchandise purchases support community outreach and political organizing for the new urban-rural alliance you are helping to build.
Enjoy amazing products and support criminal justice reform at the same time. Learn more about Milk Not Jails at www.milknotjails.org.
Trouble with the order form? You can also call-in your order. Call the number below for more details. Payment with food stamps or checks is also available.
Questions? Contact them directly at milknotjails [at] gmail.com or (917) 719-6455.
Over the winter, follow Milk Not Jails on Facebook and Twitter.