We are gearing up for another season of great produce and other products from Golden Earthworm Organic Farm, Lewis Waite Farms, and Milk Not Jails starting on Thursday, May 30th! This season we are trying something new for volunteer sign-ups that we hope will make the process easier and more convenient for everyone:
Please sign up for Sunnyside CSA Volunteering—here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Go to our invitation page: VolunteerSpot
2. Enter your email address (You will NOT need to register for an account on VolunteerSpot)
3. Sign up! Choose your shifts – VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!

VolunteerSpot hosts our new volunteer calendar. Once there, you will be able to navigate through the entire CSA season and sign yourself up directly for your volunteer shifts. Please keep in mind that each share is required to complete 2 shifts over the course of the season, which runs through December 5th.
The sign-up process requires that you provide your email so that confirmation and reminders can be sent to you. You will no longer need to stand in line at the first pick-up of the season to schedule your shifts, and you will be able to see changes to the volunteer calendar as they are made in real time, so you will know whether your preferred date and time to volunteer is available.
NOTE: According to its privacy policy, VolunteerSpot does not sell our email addresses. The site has sponsors whose ads you will see, and you may opt out of receiving email communication from those sponsors—you will be prompted to do this when you sign up for your shifts. Beyond confirmation and reminder emails about your scheduled volunteer shift, VolunteerSpot says that they send “a rare product update message, a random service survey or annual activity report” to volunteers (2-3 times per year).
Although we believe that communication to you from VolunteerSpot will be minimal, we are sensitive to the fact that some of our members may prefer not to provide VolunteerSpot with their email addresses. If you would prefer not to use VolunteerSpot, you may sign up for your volunteer shifts in person at the first pick-up of the season on May 30, from 7-8pm.
Questions or concerns? Please feel free to Contact Us!