*In the box

In the Box: Summer, Week #11

GEOF-Yellow Baby Watermelon
Yellow Baby Watermelon! Image via GEOF

Golden Earthworm Veggie Share*
Yellow Baby Watermelon – 1 piece
Green Beans – 1/2 lb. bag
Cucumbers – 8 pieces
Baby Leeks – 1 bunch
Green Bell Pepper – 2 pieces
Tomatoes – 2 pieces
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.

Fruit Share
Yellow Peaches – 1 bag
Donut Peaches – 1 bag
(Ripen peaches in a paper bag on the counter, then refrigerate)

Herb Share
Lemon Thyme

Milk Not Jails
Dairy share pick up

A few friendly reminders & updates:

Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Deadline to order your next delivery of Lewis Waite products is Mondy, August 26th for delivery on Thursday, August 29th. Note the NEW ORDER DEADLINES. Please be sensitive to the busy farmers and order on time. Late orders may not be filled! Place your order now!

In a bag in the fridge: Green Beans, Leeks
In the fridge: Cucumbers, Watermelon, Green Bell Pepper
On the counter: Tomatoes

A quick note about the tomatoes… The cool, and now wet, weather, is affecting both the quantity (slowing the ripening process) and quality (many have developed cracks) of our harvest. If you do receive a tomato with cracks, it is most likely just cosmetic and can be easily cut out without losing much of the flesh. We’re hoping that along with the sun and warmer temperatures forecasted for later this week, our tomatoes will start ripening faster and we’ll have many more to distribute in the coming weeks!

Golden Earthworm welcomes you to explore their website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share.


If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact the farm. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from!

Fresh Tomato Sauce
Sesame and Ginger Cucumber Salad

*In the box

In the Box: Summer, Week #9

GEOF onions
Onions. Image via GEOF

Golden Earthworm Veggie Share*
Parsley – 1 bunch
Baby Watermelon – 1 piece
Cucumbers – 1-2 pieces
Batavian Lettuce – 2 heads
Basil – 1 bunch
Red Onions – 1 bunch
Red or Yellow Potatoes – 1 quart
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.

Fruit Share
White Peaches – 1 bag
(Ripen peaches in a paper bag on the counter, then refrigerate)

Herb Share

Milk Not Jails
Dairy share pick up

A few friendly reminders & updates:

Storage Tips
-In a bag in the fridge: Parsley, Lettuce, Basil
-In the fridge: Cucumbers, Watermelon, Red Onions
-In a cool, dark place: Potatoes (and eat within the week!)

The salsa verde recipe below is a wonderfully versatile relish that you can toss with boiled Potatoes (my favorite) or used as a spread on sandwiches, with eggs, tossed in beans, or a thousand other ways. You can make it with any assortment of green herbs, and this week’s Parsley and Basil would be a perfect combination! I’ve been making a simple Cucumber and Red Onion salad every few days since the cukes first started coming in from the field. Sometimes I add smashed garlic and ginger or chopped mint, but a basic mix of sliced cukes, sliced red onion, a splash of red wine vinegar and olive oil and salt & pepper to taste is my starting point. We’re hoping to harvest enough Watermelons for everyone this week, but there may be a few groups who don’t receive them. If that’s the case, don’t worry! We’ll be sending you some at a later date.

Bon appetit! -Maggie

After farmer Matt’s long newsletter last week, I’ll keep this short and sweet! We’re enjoying the more seasonable temperatures this week and our greenhouses are once again buzzing with activity. We’re getting all of our fall and winter transplant crops seeded into trays that will be transplanted out into the fields in another month or so.

A Note About the Melons…
Our harvests are yielding some beautiful summer crops, including watermelons for most members this week. Be sure to refrigerate them immediate and eat them right away. Our melons don’t usually travel too well and if you find that yours has split, check inside to see if it is still ok – and if it is – eat it! Slight cracks to the rind are mostly cosmetic and don’t effect the flesh. (In past years some members tossed their melons because of a split rind without checking inside to see if it was still good. We don’t grow enough melons to replace many, so please be sure that you’re not throwing out a perfectly good melon!)  Of course if your melon has spoiled, please let us know!

Golden Earthworm welcomes you to explore their website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share.


If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact the farm. That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from!

Potatoes with Olives, Feta & Mint
Salsa Verde 

*In the box

In the Box: Summer, Week #11

Tomato Shares are IN! See details below for ordering instructions.

Veg Share*
Swiss Chard – 1 bunch
Red Potatoes – 3 lb bag
Cucumbers – 3-4 pieces
Genovese Basil – 1 bunch
Green Cabbage – 1 head
Fresh Yellow Onions – 1 bunch
Baby Watermelon -OR- Sungold Cherry Tomatoes AND Green Beans – 1 piece or a mixed bag
Red Tomatoes – 3 lb
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week

Fruit Share
A mixed bag of Yellow and White Peaches

Herb Share
Garlic Chives

Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Dairy share pick up is weekly. Don’t forget your milk!

Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite extras today! Forgot to order? The next deadline is August 19th for delivery on the 23rd.

Tomato Shares, Available Now! ~ ORDER NOW for delivery this Thursday
We just got word from our farmers, tomato shares ready for this Thursday! Shares are $35 for 20 lbs. of plum canning/sauce tomatoes. Please deal with Golden Earthworm Farm directly—READ MORE HERE.

*In the box

In the Box: Summer, Week #10

Veg Share*
Toscano Kale – 1 bunch
Cucumbers – several pieces
Fennel – 1 head
Fresh Yellow OR Walla Walla Onions – 1 bunch
Baby Watermelon – 1 piece
Bell Pepper – 1 piece
Green Long Peppers – several pieces
Red Tomatoes OR Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – several or a pint
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.

Fruit Share
Donut Peaches (aka UFO Peaches)
Blackberries OR White Peaches

Herb Share

Milk Not Jails Dairy Share & Monthly Dairy Specials
Weekly dairy share pick up—don’t forget you milk!
Also, à la carte dairy item pick up is THIS WEEK (Milk, butter, ice cream, etc.)

A few friendly reminders & updates

Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
The next Lewis Waite order deadline is Sunday, August 5th for delivery on August 9th. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. They have an amazing selection of items, all produced by small local farms.

Milk Not Jails Monthly Dairy Specials
The next dairy à la carte order deadline is Friday, August 10th at 5pm for delivery on August 23rd. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. Enjoy amazing products and support criminal justice reform at the same time.

What the veg?
