Veg Share*
Swiss Chard – 1 bunch
Red Potatoes – 3 lb bag
Cucumbers – 3-4 pieces
Genovese Basil – 1 bunch
Green Cabbage – 1 head
Fresh Yellow Onions – 1 bunch
Baby Watermelon -OR- Sungold Cherry Tomatoes AND Green Beans – 1 piece or a mixed bag
Red Tomatoes – 3 lb
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week
Fruit Share
A mixed bag of Yellow and White Peaches
Herb Share
Garlic Chives
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Dairy share pick up is weekly. Don’t forget your milk!
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite extras today! Forgot to order? The next deadline is August 19th for delivery on the 23rd.
Tomato Shares, Available Now! ~ ORDER NOW for delivery this Thursday
We just got word from our farmers, tomato shares ready for this Thursday! Shares are $35 for 20 lbs. of plum canning/sauce tomatoes. Please deal with Golden Earthworm Farm directly—READ MORE HERE.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Early bird signup for Winter Sun Farms’ winter shares continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
A glorious summer share this week! Beautiful Swiss Chard and freshly dug Red Potatoes for a lovely potato salad. Try the recipe below. Basil for pesto or a caprese salad with sliced Tomatoes. The tomatoes have been sprayed with copper as a preventative for late blight. While this is certified for use in organic production, we do recommend that you wash the tomatoes well before eating. Some of you will get another Watermelon this week, while others will get the first of the Green Bean harvest and some Cherry Tomatoes. We hope to have a planting of yellow watermelons ready for harvest in another few weeks and there will be plenty more cherry tomatoes and green beans for everyone soon! (We are very careful to make sure that members receive the same items over the course of a few weeks, although it does take a bit of juggling on our part!) Cabbage, Cukes and Onions round out the box. I’m excited to get into the kitchen… I have some fabulous summer dishes featuring this week’s bounty. Bon appetit!
Did I promise a full farm update this week? Silly me! I have so much on my plate (no pun intended) that I need to postpone it another week. I apologize, but I do promise to fully update you- with photos, no less—very soon!
Potato Salad with Green Beans & Salsa Verde (You can leave out the beans if they’re not in your share this week!)
Cucumber and Avocado Soup with Tomato and Basil Salad
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!