Final delivery of the Summer/Autumn 2012 Season

Veg Share*
Yellow Potatoes – 1 quart
Beets – 1 piece
Carrots – 2 lbs
Baby Sweet Potatoes – 4 lbs
Green Cabbage – 1 head
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Pick up your weekly dairy share.
A few friendly reminders & updates:
Want to Join the CSA Core Group?!
Sunnyside CSA Core Group needs a Special Products Coordinator ~ Want to get more involved with your CSA? This is a great (volunteer) opportunity! Read more…
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
The next Lewis Waite delivery will be Tuesday, December 11th. NOTE: The winter Lewis Waite deliveries will occur on Tuesdays (not Thursdays!), but will be available at our usual pick up location (Sunnyside Community Services). Place your order now!
Winter Shares Delivery Begins December 20th
Pick ups for Winter Shares will begin Thursday, December 20th, 6-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services! If you signed up for a Winter Sun Farms frozen vegetable share, Golden Earthworm root vegetable share, Cider Share or Apple Share, PLAN AHEAD for winter pick ups. Read more…
This is our final week of CSA for the 2012 season. If you want to make this week’s share last you into the holiday season, you’re in luck! They can all be stored well under the correct conditions. The Beets, Cabbage and Carrots can be stored in the fridge in a plastic bag for about a month. The Potatoes can be stored in a cool, dark place (not in the fridge) and the Sweet Potatoes should be kept in a cool (not cold) dark place.
We’ve come to the end of another growing season here on the East End of Long Island. Overall, it was good season for us. The warm, dry summer was just what our crops needed, and we lost very little to disease (like in past rainy years). We want to thank you for your membership this season and we hope you will join us again in 2013. We will be sending out a notice as soon as our renewal application is available on our website in the next few weeks.
Have a very happy and healthy Holiday Season!
Maggie, Matt, James & Galen
Braised Cabbage with Caraway
Roasted Beets – courtesy of Ina Garten
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!