Sign ups are now CLOSED for Winter 2012-13 Shares
There are two kinds of Winter Vegetable Shares: 1. Winter Sun Farms‘ frozen local vegetable share (which you’ve been able to sign up for already); 2. Golden Earthworm’s root vegetable share (available starting now). In addition to veggies, you can also purchase a Cider Share and/or an Apple Share from Golden Earthworm.
The easiest way to sign up is right here, via the web form links below and pay with PayPal. You can also sign up via web form then pay by sending a check to our P.O. box.
Note: Payment must be received by November 15th.
There will be ONE in-person sign up date during regular CSA pickup on November 8th, 5-8pm. If you plan to sign up in-person, please know the details of the shares you are purchasing and *bring your checkbook.*
Read carefully: The sign ups for Winter Sun and Golden Earthworm are separate—if you want both, you must follow the (two) links below and sign up for each share. We have included a $5 admin fee with each share, but if you get both, you only have to pay the admin fee once! Other good news: we do not have a limit to the number of shares we can offer (tell your friends)!
Golden Earthworm (Vegetable share, Cider share, Apple share)
$146 for 5 deliveries of mixed root crops and greens (15-18 lbs per delivery)
Sign up via web form. Review the contract agreement and pricing details and pay with PayPal or mail us a check. Payment must be received by November 15th.
Winter Sun Farms (Frozen Vegetable Share with some fresh greens)
$137 for 5 deliveries of veggies (typically, 6 frozen and 1 fresh (greenhouse pea shoots))
Sign up via web form. Review the contract agreement and pricing details and pay with PayPal or mail us a check. We posted details about the Winter Sun share several months ago on our blog—read more here. Payment must be received by November 15th.
Both vegetable shares complement each other well. Winter Sun collects fresh local farm food over the summer and flash-freezes it for consumption in the winter. Their food tastes really fresh, unlike the frozen food you’re used to getting at the grocery store. Golden Earthworm’s share is mostly root vegetables—things that keep over a long time. So if you sign up for both shares, you won’t get much (if any) overlap between the two.
Winter distribution dates:
6:00-8:00 pm at Sunnyside Community Services
December 20th
January 10th
January 31st
February 21st
March 14th
Questions? Contact us!