Thursday is our first pickup, from 3 – 5:45pm at Sunnyside Community Services. Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey- it was extremely helpful, and completely informed our plan for the summer.
Pickup times: everything we’re discussing is in effect while our city is in lockdown. Once things start to open up, and SCS goes back to normal hours, we will then try to switch back to our regular 5-8 pm schedule. But for now, we’re on limited hours!
Lewis Waite shares: We are still waiting to hear about Lewis Waite’s ability to deliver food directly. They are currently only shipping food via UPS. Those of you who signed up for shares filled by LW, please be patient as they figure out their logistical issues. They are very aware of the situation and are doing their best to find a solution.
How will pickups work? Please read our new Pickup Procedures for complete guidelines. These have been updated to work with SCS needs, and to keep all members safe.
Volunteer shifts: To follow safety protocols and overall member feedback, we are updating volunteer shifts to 4hr sessions. This means if you sign up for a shift it will be from truck unload to cleanup (2-6pm), and this single shift will be all you need for the season.
If you have issues with this current format, please wait to sign up for your volunteer work after July. At that time we will be reassessing if we can return to the traditional 2hr shifts safely.
Complete volunteer shift instructions will be coming soon. You can sign up here.
If you have been affected by our pandemic for any reason and are finding it impossible to make it to pickups on a regular basis, we have formed a small but dedicated group of volunteers to help coordinate deliveries by car to your home. Please understand this is not a service offered to those who just find it too inconvenient. We are limited on volunteer resources, and won’t be able to handle a large amount of requests. Only use this if you have no one else who can help you. If you do need this service, email Margie, our member point person for this service. If you would like to fulfill volunteer shifts by delivering, you can also email Margie and let her know.
Other updates: We have been working with Sunnyside & Woodside Mutual Aid to get organic produce to local food panties. SWMA held a fundraiser, with Sunnyside CSA matching dollar for every dollar (thanks to our member donations!). Together we came up with almost $5000 towards CSA food. Golden Earthworm is assisting by providing us as much extra produce as they can manage with that amount. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to make this possible!
In addition, the COVID fundraiser we held earlier this year generated enough for a two paid meal deliveries to our frontline workers at Elmhurst Hospital, catered by the delicious Sunnyside staple, Tangra. So thanks to all who donated so generously to that as well.
We will have more fundraisers in the coming months to continue to support the community during these times. We appreciate everyone who does what they can to help others.