Veg Share*
Leeks – 1 bunch
Watermelon Radish – 1 piece
Green Kale – 1 bunch
Russet Potatoes – 3 lbs.
Cabbage – 1 large head
Broccoli – 2 pieces
Baby Carrots – 1 bunch
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share & À la Carte Orders
Pick up your weekly dairy share AND à la carte orders.
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite orders, including your Thanksgiving Orders!
Sign up for Winter Shares – DEADLINE THURSDAY
ONLINE SIGN UP ONLY! It’s easy, sign up right here via web form and pay with PayPal. You can also sign up via web form then pay by sending a check to our P.O. box. Note: Payment must be received/postmarked by November 15th.
Thank you for your donations to Sandy relief!
Thanks to all who donated food to for Hurricane Sandy Relief last week—it was a great success. Thanks, as well, to CSA member Melissa who had the idea, and put that idea into action! Our partners, Sunnyside Cares, coordinated a very much appreciated food drop-off in the Rockaways. Their efforts continue this week with a fundraiser event, called The RUSH, on Sunday.