Veg Share*
Green Beans – .75 lb bag
Arugula – .6 lb bag
Long Green Peppers – 3-4 pieces
Cherry Tomatoes – 1 pint
Red Tomatoes – 4 lb bag – WOW!
Orange Watermelon – 1 piece
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week.
Fruit Share
Peaches – 1 bag
Ginger Gold Apples – 1 bag
Herb Share
Thai Basil
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Weekly dairy share pick up—don’t forget you milk!
A few friendly reminders & updates:
Tomato Shares, Available Now! ~ ORDER NOW for delivery this Thursday
We just got word from our farmers, tomato shares ready for this Thursday! Shares are $35 for 20 lbs. of plum canning/sauce tomatoes. Please deal with Golden Earthworm Farm directly—READ MORE HERE.
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
The next Lewis Waite order deadline is Sunday, August 19th for delivery on August 23rd. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. They have an amazing selection of items, all produced by small local farms.
Milk Not Jails Monthly Dairy Specials
The next dairy à la carte order deadline is Monday, August 20th at 5pm for delivery on August 30th. Anyone, not just CSA members, can order these products and pick up from our CSA. Enjoy amazing products and support criminal justice reform at the same time.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Early bird signup for the Winter Sun Farms winter share continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
Ok, this might just be my favorite box of the summer! Special Orange Watermelons (which must be kept in your fridge, by the way), 4 pounds of Red Tomatoes to slice and eat until you can’t eat any more. Cherry Tomatoes for popping in your mouth or adding to a salad. Green Beans which only need a few minutes in the steamer and then tossed with some butter, or olive oil and chopped herbs and garlic, salt & pepper and… heaven! Long Green Peppers for frying up or grilling, and finally, a huge bag of summer Arugula which has a nice little bite and is delicious as a salad or on summer sandwiches… with sliced tomato, perhaps?
We’re in tomato heaven! What a difference a relatively dry season makes. This time last year we were losing our crop due to late blight from excessive rain and humidity. But so far, this season’s crop looks beautiful, due in no small part to Farmer James’ efforts and careful spray schedule. The copper spray we use as a preventative for late blight is approved for use in organic production. We do, however, recommend washing the tomatoes before eating.
PLUM TOMATO SHARES are available on a first-come, first-served basis. They can be picked up at Sunnyside CSA and Golden Earthworm farmers’ markets in Port Washington, Islip or Huntington on the weekends. Here are the details:
$35 for a 20lb box of Plum Tomatoes for canning and cooking. To order, please e-mail with your requested number of shares and where you will be picking them up. Your choice for pick-up is: Sunnyside CSA (Thursday), Port Washington Farmers’ Market (Saturday), Islip Farmers’ Market (Saturday), or Huntington Farmers’ Market (Sunday). We are now taking orders for pick-up on 8/18 and 8/19 ONLY. If we have more shares available for pick-up the following weekend we will post a notice in next week’s newsletter.
Green Beans braised with Tomatoes and Basil
Fresh Tomato Sauce – no cook!