Veg Share*
Butternut Squash – 1 piece
Green Beans – .75lb
Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – .35lb bag
Leeks – 2 pieces
Red Tomatoes – 4 plum & 1 red beefsteak
Yukon Gold Potatoes – 4 lb bag
Red Boston or Green Batavian Lettuce – 1 head
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week
Fruit Share
Greening & Russet Apples (baking varieties) – 1 bag mixed
Bosc Pears – 1 bag
Herb Share
Milk Not Jails Dairy Shares & Monthly Dairy Specials
Weekly dairy share pick up AND à la carte specials pick up!
Lewis Waite Farm CSA Extras
Pick up your Lewis Waite orders today! Forgot to place an order? The next deadline is September 30th for delivery on October 4th.
A few friendly reminders & updates:
CSA Harvest Festival – Sunday, October 14
Our farm’s annual Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday, October 14th from 11am-3pm. CSA members, their families and invited guests are welcome!
Read more and sign up online.
Winter Veg & Fruit Shares via Winter Sun Farms
Signup for Winter Sun Farms’ winter shares continues online. The total price is $137. Read more and sign up online.
With rain in the forecast for the next few days, I’m planning on settling into my kitchen with a cup of tea and cooking! Soup is a must, and the Butternut Squash and Leeks this week will be turned into a smooth and delicate fall soup (recipe below). Former CSA member, blogger (The Wednesday Chef), and now author, Louisa Weiss, just released her first book which includes a fantastic looking tomato soup recipe (see below). I’ve already finished the book and passed it on, but not before making a mental note to try the soup this week with the Tomatoes that have been sitting on my windowsill. Yukon Gold Potatoes will be roasting in my oven with freshly snipped rosemary from the kitchen garden, and the Lettuce and Cherry Tomatoes will make a delicious salad. Oh yes, and another week of tender Green Beans, because you just can’t get enough of them while they’re fresh!
Our potato harvest has been in full swing for the past couple days. We’ll take a break during the rain and start up again when the fields have dried out early next week. The picture above is of some just-dug potatoes on their way up the conveyor belt… They’re dumped into a wagon, unloaded into crates and washed before being bagged up for your shares. You can’t get any fresher than that!
Bill Telepan’s Tomato Bread Soup – courtesy of The Wednesday Chef
Butternut Squash & Leek Soup – via Food & Wine Magazine
For more info about events and other ways of connecting with the farm, visit the Golden Earthworm Organic Farm website.
Happy eating!