Lots of dates and great stuff to kick off our season this year! Please make note:
Vegetable start date has changed to June 6th. We’ve had a particularly rainy season so far, and shifting the start date allows for a stronger crop! The extra week share will be made up somewhere in the season, date TBD for now.
Share payments due May 13th. Payments and final numbers need to be sent to our vendors; please pay by Monday to secure your share.
Subsidy applications due May 17th. The CSA Subsidy program is amazing–it works out to roughly $12/week for vegetables, or $3.50/week for fruit. Click here to learn more.
2019 Summer Season Q&A is May 30th. Come to the Sunnyside Community Services (same place you pick up your veggies) for a Q&A with members of the core group. If your new to the CSA, you’ll learn all you need to know about pick-ups, volunteer hours, and CSA events. For returning members, come to brush up on how things run, ask anything that’s been on your mind, or share ideas!