
Subsidy Program

CSA Subsidy Program

Providing fresh, organic produce to those with limited income.

Vegetable Shares at Half the Cost (summer share)

A limited number of vegetable and fruit shares are available for summer at a reduced price for people experiencing financial hardship. To receive the subsidy, you need to apply first. All applications/incomes are reviewed anonymously by our board. The enrollment period for the Summer Share typically runs from February through April, with prices and options that are about half the price of a full share. Final application dates are displayed in the contract.
A subsidized share is $324 for a full share (weekly) or $162 for a half share (every other week). This is 50% off the regular price.

Requirements for Subsidized Share Members (summer share)

Members with subsidized shares have the same benefits, responsibilities, and risks as the general CSA membership, including volunteer requirements during the season. Please read our How it Works page to make sure you understand how CSAs work and what you're agreeing to. Subsidized shares can be paid in monthly installments, or as a lump sum.

¿Que es un CSA?

Este video explica nuestro programa de verduras organicas que ofrecemos a mitad de precio.

More information

If you have any questions, check out ur FAQ first, and then contact our subsidized share coordinator at: for more information.

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