Veg Share*
Sweet Potatoes – 4 lbs
Rutabaga – 1 piece
Radicchio – 1 head
Salad Turnips – 1 bunch
Cauliflower – 1 head
Bok Choi – 2 pieces
Broccoli – 2 pieces
Beets -OR- Carrots – 1 bunch
*Contents of the share may fluctuate over the week
Milk Not Jails Dairy Share
Weekly dairy share pick up
Tonight: Donate Food for Hurricane Relief
Donate any/all of your CSA share that can be eaten raw AND bring other ready-to-eat foods to pick-up. We are partnering with Sunnyside Cares to coordinate a food drop-off in the Rockaways. Here are some ideas of what to bring: Orange Juice, Apple Juice, granola bars, powdered milk, jelly, jars of baby food, formula (see Sunnyside Cares on Facebook for more info on how to help). NOTE: NO GLASS, NOTHING THAT NEEDS A CAN OPENER.
Also Tonight: Sign up for Winter Shares
Tonight, from 5-8pm, is the ONLY in-person sign up for winter shares. If you plan to sign up in-person, please know the details of the shares you are purchasing and *bring your checkbook.* Remember, the easiest way to sign up is right here via web form and pay with PayPal. You can also sign up via web form then pay by sending a check to our P.O. box.
Note: Payment must be received by November 15th.