It’s that time of year again, and with it comes our farm’s annual Harvest Festival! Enjoy an activity-filled afternoon at Golden Earthworm Organic Farm in beautiful Jamesport, Long Island: Tour the farm, listen to music, eat well, take a hay ride… you name it! There’s plenty there for adults and kids alike.
Due to popular demand, we are partnering with Astoria CSA and renting a bus—the farm is about 2 hours away. Of course, CSA members can drive to the farm on their own (directions here), but if you want to save gas and not think about driving, SIGN UP TO RIDE THE BUS. We’re asking for a $5 contribution per person to help with the bus rental.
**More bus info below**
Sunday, October 14, 2012, from 11am-3pm
This event is FREE, but open only to current CSA Members and their guests. Please bring your own picnic lunch and sturdy walking shoes for touring the farm.
Ongoing Events
Hayride Tours
Animal Shearing
Live Music
Walking Tours
Entertainment for Kids
Farmstand Open (Produce & Organic Baked Goods for sale!)
Q&A with Farmers
Childrens Activities
Story Telling & Singing with Barbara Garriel
GIANT Haystack Game
Scavanger Hunt
Cooking Demos
Join Alexa as she whips up delicious recipes featuring our seasonal produce!
Click here for DIRECTIONS to the farm.
You must SIGN UP TO RIDE THE BUS. First-come, first-serve. Please note: The way the sign-up page is designed, it looks like you are about to pay for tickets online with a credit card. Ignore this! Simply select the number of people in your party (guests are welcome) under “Sunnyside CSA members” and choose “Show Other Payment Options” (written in microscopic text under the “Order Now” button) and choose “Pay At The Door.” Then, fill out the info and place the “order.” There is no $1.12 processing fee. Just bring $5 per person in cash to the bus, and we’ll collect the money then. Simple! Don’t forget to read all the bus details below!
Instructions for bus pick up & drop off:
Be at the pick up location no later than 8:50 AM
****PICK UP: @ PATHMARK Parking LOT ****
4202 Northern Blvd, Long Island City 11101
(Less than a 15 min walk from Sunnyside Community Services. Q66 bus stop is on the corner. MTA 36th St R/M stop a few blocks away.)
We will be back in Queens at approximately 5 pm (depending on traffic).
Happy Harvest Fest!