At the CSA board meeting this week, the conversation turned to kolhrabi (as is typical) as Jess told us about how a little fennel / kohlrabi mix up resulted in enjoying cooked kohlrabi for the first time. So it’s with perfect timing that CSA member, Sabrina, emailed us this quick recipe for sauteed kohlrabi.
If you have this root still lurking in your fridge (I admit, I do), give it a try.
1ts butter or grapeseed oil
2 bulbs of kohlrabi, peeled and sliced
3 carrots, peeled and cut into spears
3-4 scallions, sliced
Salt and Pepper
1. Heat the butter or oil in a sautee or non-stick, add kohlrabi and carrots and saute for five minutes.
2. Add scallions and continue sauteeing until browned slightly.
3. Remove from heat, add salt & pepper to taste and enjoy!
** If you prefer softer veggies, add a small amount of water to de-glaze the pan, then cover and cook until desired consistancy.