Lewis Waite has added some new offerings! There’s still time to order for the March 11th Delivery. You do not need to have a winter CSA share to order meat, eggs, cheese, yogurt, grains, legumes, lacto-fermented goodies, and now mushrooms. Just visit the Lewis Waite website and follow the instructions to open an account with the Sunnyside CSA.
Order deadlines:
Cheese & Dairy Products: March 4, Midnight
Everything Else: March 6th, Midnight
Mushroom Men @ Mariaville Farm (Delanson, NY)
The owner(s) are Bobby Chandler and the Chandler Family
Mariaville Farm is owned and operated by the Chandler Family (Bob, Chris, John, Billy, Bobby and Allie). Our Farm is located in Schenectady County. All the animals are pasture raised and have free choice of forage. We never use antibotics or hormones. Younger generation Booby left life as a pharmacist to both help on his family’s farm and homestead, and to develop a fresh and dried mushroom business. He offers dried Mushroom Teas and seasoning shakers. Locally raised, organically managed but not certified yet. They focus on the medicinal aspects of the mushrooms they grow. Mushroom teas are hard to find. All mushrooms are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-tumor and auto-immune boosters. They are also packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
Strafford Organic Creamery (Strafford, VT)
The owner(s) are Earl Ransom and Amy Huyffer
Centered at Rock Bottom Farm in Shelburne, VT, Strafford Dairy produces a pure, old fashioned ice cream. Strafford’s line of ice cream is made in small batches, one day each week. They wouldn’t dream of blending their cows’ cream with anything but the highest-quality organic ingredients. They separate fresh eggs by hand, handpick the mint and black raspberries, grind the coffee just before brewing it into the milk and basically work their tails off to make the best ice cream on the planet. NO CARRAGEENAN or artificial ingredients. Rock Bottom Farm in Strafford, Vermont is home to Strafford Organic Creamery. Owner, Earl Ransom grew up milking cows on this 600-acre farm. He and his wife, Amy Huyffer, carry on his family’s tradition of managing the land organically, with no herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers. With mostly Guernsey cows, their herd of 50 grazes on rotational pastures for the entire growing season. Guernsey cows are known for their rich, yellow cream; their butterfat carries the color and flavor of their feed better than that of other breeds. Everything done at Strafford Organic Creamery, from the crops they grow for them to the gentle routines of milking, is focused on the cows’ comfort and well-being, and helping them create super-tasty milk and cream.
Yoder Farm (Danby , VT)
The owner(s) are Ryan & Rachel Yoder
We met the Yoders at the Dorset Market in Vermont. Ryan and Rachel Yoder Farm grow beans, chickens, popcorn (we already offer the popcorn), and apple products (among other things). They are a small family farm committed to ecologically sound agriculture. Ryan travels the area restoring old apple orchards, provided he can harvest the apples. They make Apple Butter, Apple Sauce, Apple Ketchup, and live Apple Cider. The base of operations is Smokey House Center, a nonprofit whose mission is education, agriculture and conservation. They are not certified organic because their apples come from all over Vermont. The product is labeled with which farm the apples came from if possible. No preservatives or chemical ingredients.
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