*In the box

Oct 25th Pickup – Fruits and Vegetables

Are you all veggied out, or are you thirsty for more?

Pickups are from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.

Get more details about what’s in the box this week with Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. Items below are subject to change.

Also look out for our Winter Sign-ups coming soon!



Red Delicious & Winesap Apples


Sweet Potatoes – Freshly dug and more to come!  Remember that sweet potatoes need to stay above 50 degrees or they will get cold damage. Store in a cool spot. Use within 3 days.

Collards – Collards are very similar to kale and can be used interchangeably in recipes as long as you give it a little more time to cook. Store airtight in the fridge. Use in 3 days.

Sugarloaf Chicory – Wonderful paired with sharp cheese, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic in a salad. Store airtight in the fridge. Use in 5 days.

Japanese Salad Turnips – These are wonderful when roasted together with the radishes. Store airtight in the fridge. Use in 5 days.

Red Radishes – Try roasting these! They’re delicious (and beautiful) when roasted in the oven. Store airtight in the fridge, separate roots and greens. Use in 3 days.

Parsley – Adds bright flavor to dishes.  Also freezes very well. Store airtight in the fridge. Use in 5 days.

Red Potatoes – These are a waxy, red-fleshed variety.  Excellent for roasted potatoes. Store in a cool, dark place. Use in 10 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Oct 18th Pickup: Veg, Fruit & Lewis Waite

Are we into sweater weather yet? Because these CSA vegetables seem to be telling us it’s autumn time.

Check out what’s in the box this week with Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.

Or, have a look at the local foods you could be getting at this week’s Lewis Waite pickup if you order on their site before Wednesday at 9am.

Pickups are from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Oct 4 Pickup: Veg, Fruit, Special Shares & Lewis Waite

There’s no denying it now, we’re squarely into October, and fall foods! Don’t forget to pick up your special shares and Lewis Waite orders as well.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. They also have info up there about a special CSA day on their farm on Sunday, October 14th.

The list below is most of what will be in the box this week, but items are subject to change. Pickups are from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.

The fruit share this week includes Empire and Gala apples.

Japanese Salad Turnips – Don’t forget to eat the greens AND the roots. Separate the greens from the roots before storing. Store in an airtight storage in the fridge. Use in 3 days.

Bok Choi – A member favorite, year after year. Store in an airtight storage in the fridge. Use in 3 days.

Red Radishes – Radishes are spicy when they grow in hot weather. These are mellowing out, but there are some spicy ones in there. Delicious roasted. Separate the greens from the roots before storing (leaves can be eaten). Store in an airtight storage in the fridge. Use in 3 days.

Collards – A southern green that works well in many kale recipes.  Just remember that collards need to be cooked long enough so that they become tender. Store in an airtight storage in the fridge. Use in 5 days.

Napa Cabbage – This cabbage variety has a great crunch and the frilly leaves are tender.  Makes great salads or stir-fries. Store in an airtight storage in the fridge. Use in 10 days.

Acorn Squash – Another round of these yummy squash from our organic farm partner in Mass. Store on the counter. Use in 5 days.

Butternut Squash – Also from our farming partner up north. Store on the counter. Use in 5 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Sept 20th Pickup: Veg, Fruit & Lewis Waite

We’re getting into the fall food season: acorn squash and more yummy items in the box. Plus this week is Lewis Waite pickups–if you haven’t ordered yet, check out what they offer!

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. They also have info up there about a special CSA day on their farm on Sunday, October 14th.

The list below is most of what will be in the box this week, but items are subject to change. Pickups are from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.

The fruit share this week includes Gala apples and nectarines.

For vegetables:

Baby Arugula – This is super baby sized, and appropriately tender–don’t overdress it. Store in a container in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Parsley – Soups just aren’t the same without chopped parsley, and if you don’t have plans for it this week, you can always freeze for later. Store in a container in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Green Cabbage – It’s a great time of year for stuffed cabbage recipes. Also great in soup, chopped in coleslaw salads or just eaten in wedges for snacks. Store in a container in the fridge, use within 10 days.

Acorn Squash – To allow some of their NY farmland a rest, Golden Earthworm is partnering with another Certified Organic producer in Massachusetts to bring us these lovely squash. Store on the counter, use within 5 days.

Red Tomato – Tomatoes are on the decline now, but you can expect to see them a few more times, so enjoy! Store on the counter, use when they are a deep red.

Romaine Lettuce – Crunchy and flavorful for salads. Store in a container in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Sept 13th Pickup: Vegetable & Fruit

How is everyone handling the rain? I say as long as it’s not 95 and humid, I’ll take it. You know what else I’ll take? More veggies from Golden Earthworm!

Come get yours (and fruit) from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services this Thursday.

First, a message from Golden Earthworm about vegetables this season: Please note that this week we have a limited harvest of crops due to the lag from wet weather this summer that kept us from getting our plantings in on time.  Please know that we have a lot of wonderful crops growing in the fields and they will be in your shares very soon!  Thank you for your understanding and patience as we work with Mother Nature to feed you well! 

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. The list below is most of what will be in the box this week, but items are subject to change.

The fruit share this week includes Gala apples and Bartlett pears

For vegetables:

Red Tomatoes – These are ready to eat when deep red. Store on the counter, use when ripe.

Garlic – This has been waiting and drying since June, and now it’s ready! Store on the counter, use within 3 weeks.

Long Green Peppers – These are great in salads, stuffed or sautéed with onions. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Swiss chard – Try them in chard frittatas, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Yukon Gold Potatoes – Waxy with yellow flesh. Perfect for salads and roasting. Store in a cool, dark spot. Use within 2 weeks

Romaine Lettuce – Crunchy and flavorful for summertime salads. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 3 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Sept 6th Pickup: It’s All Here!

It’s that time again–the week where everyone has something to pick up. Vegetables, fruit, Lewis Waite & special shares…they’ll all be anxiously waiting for you to come claim them, anytime from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. Items are subject to change.

The fruit share this week is peaches and nectarines.

For vegetables:

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes and Red Tomatoes – These are ready to eat when fully yellow or deep red, respectively. Store on the counter, use when ripe.

Parsley – Adds bright flavor to salads, soups and more! Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Long Green Peppers – These are great in salads, stuffed or sautéed with onions. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Swiss chard – Try them in chard frittatas, perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Red Beets OR Eggplant –  These two items are on rotation right now–surprise! Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 5 days.

Red Batavian Lettuce – Crunchy and flavorful for summertime salads. Store in an airtight storage in the refrigerator, use within 3 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Aug 30th Pickup: Vegetable & Fruit

Who is loving their fresh fruit and veggies through summer? Well, we’ve got another box coming up this week!

Pickups are at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter. Items are subject to change.

The fruit share this week is apples and peaches.

For vegetables:

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – Also known as tomato candy they’re so sweet! Store on the counter, use now.

Red Tomatoes – The secret to a good tomato is letting it ripen. Set these on your counter (in a dry spot) until the flesh turns a deep red all over. Do not refrigerate.

Parsley – Adds bright flavor to dishes.  Try a salsa verde to top fish, poultry or roasted veggies. Store in an airtight container in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Long Green Peppers – These are great in salads, stuffed or sautéed with onions. Some are harvested in their green stage, and others we leave on the plant until they turn red. Store in an airtight container in the fridge, use within 5 days.

Yellow Storage Onions – Our storage onions will last if you leave them on the counter in a dry spot, but they’re best when using them while they’re still juicy and fresh inside. Store on the counter, use within 5 days.

Yukon Gold Potatoes –  Waxy variety that holds up well when cooked. Store in a cool (not cold), dark place, use within 2 weeks.

Red Batavian Lettuce – Crunchy and flavorful for summertime salads. Store in an airtight container in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Aug 23rd Pickup: Veg, Fruit & Lewis Waite

It’s that time again–this week Lewis Waite will be there for pickup as well.

Pickups are at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – Also known as tomato candy they’re so sweet! Ready to eat when fully yellow! Storage on the counter, use now.

Red Tomatoes – The secret to a good tomato is letting it ripen (and not refrigerate). Storage on the counter, use when they are a deep red all over.

Kohlrabi – Crunchy and delicious in summer slaws and salads. Remember to peel and remove the skin. Storage in airtight storage in the refrigerator, use in 5 days.

Yellow Watermelon – First red, now yellow!  These are fragile, so please handle them carefully. Store in the fridge, use within 5 days.

Red Potatoes – There’s nothing better than freshly harvested potatoes–these are great in salads. Store in a cool (not cold), dark place, use within 2 weeks.

Mustard Mix – Remember these beautiful spicy greens from earlier in the season?  They’re back! Store in airtight storage in the refrigerator, use in 3 days.  

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Aug 16 Pickup: Veggies & Fruit (and Soap!)

Hello wonderful CSAers–we’ve got another delicious week of food for you coming up. Plus Backyard Bees soap shares will be there this week (there was a mixup with delivery last week).

Pickups are at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.

Baby Watermelon – Heads up that these babies are fragile! A cracked watermelon is usually still fine, as long as you get it into the fridge right away. Store in the fridge, use within 3 days.

Red Tomatoes – Let the tomatoes sit out on the counter until they reach a deep red color–then eat and enjoy! DO NOT REFRIGERATE.

Parsley – Make a parsley salsa verde with this bunch. Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Cucumber – We are just about finished up with this cucumber planting! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Green Batavian Lettuce – Batavian lettuce loves the summer heat! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Sweet Corn – This planting has only yielded enough for a few ears per member. Spread the wealth by cutting them into a salad for all to enjoy! Store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use within 3 days.

Red Potatoes – Their water content is high so it takes less time for them to cook. Great in a potato salad. Store in a cool (not cold), dark place. Use within 2 weeks.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!

*In the box

Aug 9 Pickup: Veg, Fruit, Lewis Waite & Special Shares

This week EVERYTHING is here for pick-up–including fruit! Don’t forget to check all your lists, and enjoy your food.

Pickups are at Sunnyside Community Services from 5-8pm.

To see complete info for vegetables in the box this week, check out Golden Earthworm’s weekly newsletter.

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes – These are the sweetest, most flavorful cherry tomatoes we can find. They are currently in rotation with baby watermelons–whichever you don’t get this week will come next week. Store on the counter. Use within 3 days.

Green Beans – We’re moving into the second green bean planting now, so these are fresh, crisp and sweet. Store airtight, in the fridge. Use within 5 days.  

Fennel – Summer fennel is here! Not a fennel lover yet? Try the caramelized fennel with goat cheese recipe before you give up completely. It’s a hit! Store airtight, in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Cucumbers – Cucumber overload? Here’s 58 more ways to use them. Store airtight, in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Red Batavian Lettuce – Batavian lettuce is loving this summer heat, and we’re loving our salads. Store airtight, in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Red Long Onions –  These are delicious sliced and grilled and then served in salads or on sandwiches. Store airtight, in the fridge. Use within 5 days.

Please note that any boxes not picked up by 8pm will be donated to SCS, and items are subject to change. Look for Golden Earthworm Organic Farm CSA on Facebook for more recipes from members!