The first pick-up of the season will be on Thursday, May 31st from 5-8pm at Sunnyside Community Services on 39th Street. Remember to sign up for your volunteer shifts while picking up your box! The season will then run for 26 weeks, skipping Thanksgiving. The last delivery of the season is on Thursday, November 29th.
Please take a look at the 2012_CSA_Member_Shares list (Excel) to make sure you are correctly signed up for your vegetable, fruit and herb shares. If you have questions, please Contact Us.
For those of you wondering what’s up with our new shares (dairy, pickles, flowers), we’ll have an update really soon—sorry. There have been some logistical snags in getting it going. Thanks for being patient!
Are you getting our email updates? If not, sign up for our Yahoo Group. We also post to social media, so ‘follow’ @sunnysidecsa on Twitter and ‘like’ Sunnyside CSA on Facebook.