
Join the CSA Core Group!

UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in joining the Core Group! These positions have recently been filled. We will post again when other Core Group positions open up. If you still want to do more, consider booking yourself a couple of extra Volunteer Shifts during the remainder of the season—we always need extra help getting all the shifts filled. Thanks again.

Hello everyone,

We have had a good season so far, but are starting to need some help within the Core Group to keep the CSA running. If you want to get to know your community better, or if you want to get more involved with the world of farming and local, organic food, here’s a great opportunity. We have two immediate needs:

Events / Fundraising Coordinator
This person is in charge of running our events, such as the cookout and our trips to the farm. Because we often have raffles and other fundraising events to benefit the subsidy program, both roles fall under the same job title. The great thing about this position is the sky is the limit—any social events you want to try, any creative fundraisers you want to host, the opportunity is there—with the entire CSA body as a resource to help make it happen.

Subsidy Coordinator
An incredibly important aspect to the CSA is making sure everyone has access to good food- not just those lucky enough to not have to worry about money. Our subsidized shares feed many families in Sunnyside, but finding those families requires a passionate person. The bulk of the work for this position happens in the first few months of the year, doing outreach to find folks for the upcoming vegetable share season.

There will be more openings and opportunities as the season ends, but these are two positions we need help with right now!

CONTACT US if you’re interested or curious.


1 reply on “Join the CSA Core Group!”

Hi I contact you regarding your open positions last week. I haven’t heard anything yet, but I’m excited to learn more and I’m looking forward to your reply!

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