This year, we are having an early sign-up for Winter Sun Farms. If you had a share last year, you know what it entails: 5 deliveries over the winter, each with 7 different items, mostly frozen, some fresh. They collect freshly-picked, organic produce from local farms during the summer season and freeze it for winter use, resulting in some pretty healthy veggies that taste much better than the frozen food you’re used to seeing at the supermarket. Depending on the harvest, the frozen vegetables and fruits may include broccoli, sweet corn, mixed peppers, green beans, pureed butternut squash, kale, blueberries, raspberries, and edamame!
Even better, the farmers have managed to LOWER their prices from last year due to more efficient techniques; rather than make a larger profit, they’ve passed the savings on to us (hey Whole Foods, take note!)
This year’s Winter Sun Farms share will cost $137 (which includes a $5 admin fee.)
If enough people sign up, this price will go down even more, so don’t delay- we need to get enough orders in the next few weeks to qualify for this deal.
If you want a share, please fill out our simple, on-line contract. You can pay via check or PayPal, online or in person, but we can’t give you a share until we have the payment in hand. If the web is not your thing, we will have in-person signups during our regular Thursday night pickup on June 21st. Bring your checkbook!
If you’re not sure about securing a share this early in the year, there may still be a chance to sign up next winter, but Winter Sun Farms does have a limited space, so once they fill up, that’s it…. and we only qualify for the lower price if we get enough folks now, so try not to put it off. It really is a great deal!
Sunnyside CSA Winter Sun Farms Share Contract: 2012-2013 Season
4 replies on “Early Bird Special: Winter Sun Farms!”
HI, I would like to join the Winter Share. Am I too late? I have just moved to the country and to Long Island City in particular. I would like to join for this season. Thank you! Tina
You can still sign up for a Winter Sun Farms winter frozen vegetable share by filling out the online contract and paying by PayPal or check. Soon, we will also be offering a winter fresh vegetable share. Read more about the shares we offer here. And be sure to join the Sunnyside CSA Yahoo Group to stay informed about winter and summer sign-up events. And, feel free to Contact Us if you have more questions! Enjoy!
Hi! How do I sign up for the cider share? I don’t see an application for it.
The Golden Earthworm cider share (and their winter veg & fruit shares—more info at the link below) will be available soon. We will send an email to the Sunnyside CSA Yahoo group when it’s time to sign up. This will probably be sometime in November, but it depends on the farm, so keep you eyes peeled for that email!
Please make sure you are signed up for and reading the Yahoo Group emails.
Read more about Sunnyside CSA Winter Shares here.