What the veg?


Peppers come from the colorful Capsicum family which splits into two main categories – sweet bell peppers and the spicy chilies, such as jalapenos. Chilies have capsaicin, sweet peppers do not.

General Facts
You can’t differentiate the sweet bell pepper varieties when they’re still young because they all look green. As they ripen, they’ll change color. Depending on the stage of ripeness and their variety, their colors range from orange, yellow, red, purple, brown, black, ivory or green, and so do their sweetness.

Sweet bell peppers are also known as capsicums, sweet peppers or green / red peppers.

Store unwashed bell peppers in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Sources say they will stay fresh for about a week but we have seen them keep a couple weeks. Green bell peppers will stay fresh a little longer than the yellow and red ones.

Green Pepper Nutrition
One cup of chopped green pepper has 3 grams of fiber, 4 grams of sugar and one gram of protein. It contains 200 percent of your daily allowance of vitamin C! It is also a good source of potassium and maganese.


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